Bobby 04.08.18
Our beautiful Bobby came into the heaton’s last year. Originally called Babe because she came into us thinking she was a girl, and we were all very shocked when the vet checked and actually told us he was a boy, so that’s when he became Bobby. Bobby made every day at the heaton’s a joy and loved nothing more then meowing away and coming to you for cuddles, he would always meow when you put him back into his cage so spent most of his time sat on the chair or the windowsill. He was so fit and healthy for such an old man at 16, Bobby had actually been reserved to go to a lovely new home where he could live out his glory years. Sadly on the 4th of August we noticed blood coming from Bobby’s mouth and when we took him in it became clear that unfortunately Bobby had got a massive tumor in his mouth that was not fixable so we had to make the shocking and heart breaking decision to put this gorgeous boy to sleep. He was loved by all of us here and we know that he enjoyed his time with us, but he will be missed.